
Where’s the Infamous “G-Spot”?

The Sensitive Area. The term "G-Spot" was first introduced to the public at large in the book, "The G Spot and Other Recent Discoveries About Human Sexuality" in the 1980s. It referred to an article from 1950 in the International Journal of Sexology in which gynecologist, Dr. Ernest Grafenberg wrote about erotic sensitivity along the anterior vaginal wall.

While many people have read or heard about Grafenberg, few have read his actual words. In reality, Grafenberg only uses the word "spot" twice and he uses it to make the opposite point to the way it has been popularly used. He states that "there is no spot in the female body, from which sexual desire could not be aroused. Innumerable erotogenic spots are distributed all over the body, from where sexual satisfaction can be elicited; these are so many that we can almost say that there is no part of the female body which does not give sexual response, the partner has only to find the erotogenic zones."

The Grafenberg spot (G-Spot) is said to be a sensitive area just behind the front wall of the vagina, between the back of the pubic bone and the cervix. Beverly Whipple, a certified sex educator and counselor, and John D. Perry, an ordained minister, psychologist, and sexologist, named the G-Spot after gynecologist Ernest Grafenberg (1881-1957).

Dr. Grafenberg was the first modern physician to describe the area and argue for its importance in female sexual pleasure. His claim is that when this spot is stimulated during sex through vaginal penetration of some kind (fingers during masturbation, penis or other object partly thrusting into the vagina), some women have an orgasm. This orgasm may include a gush of fluid from the urethra -- sometimes called the “female ejaculation” -- however, many experts do not agree on this. It is not considered urine. Is this real? Many gynecologists and physiologist still argue.

There has been a large amount of controversy among sex researchers regarding this theory. For women who have felt this gush of urethral fluid, or for those who have found a new pleasure spot, having a name for it confirms their experience.

But remember, not all women are sensitive in this area, so be careful not to set up unrealistic expectations for yourself. Try it out; if it works, great, if it doesn't seem sensitive, try to find the spot(s) that are right for you!

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