
Accurate Definitions of the "G-Spot" Taken from the Internet

"I'll leave out the scientific theories and just give some practical information. The female urethra runs along the front/top side of the vagina, between it and the pubic bone. In many women it is sensitive to firm strokes from inside the vagina which press it up against the pubic bone. The G-spot is supposed to be tissue surrounding the urethra, about 1 1/2 to 2 inches inside."

"G-spot is the nickname for the GrafenberG-Spot, named after the gyn who noted its erotic significance in the 50's. The g-spot in women is analogous to the prostate in men (which seems to play a more direct role in sex and procreation)."

"The g-spot is a gland located behind the pubic bone and around the urethra. It can be massaged or stimulated by reaching up about two finger joints distance on the upper surface of the vagina. The area may be located by "systematic palpation of the entire anterior wall of the vagina between the posterior side of the pubic bone and the cervix. Two fingers are usually employed, and it is often necessary to press deeply into the spot to reach the spot" (Perry and Whipple, Journal of Sex Research, 1981, p 29). If already aroused, some women will find that stimulation of this area leads to an intense orgasm which may be qualitatively different from a clitorially centered orgasm. Stimulation of the spot produces a variety of initial feelings: discomfort, 'feeling need' to urinate, or a pleasurable feeling. With additional stroking the area may begin to swell and the sensations may become more pleasureable. Continuing may produce an intense orgasm. Like the prostate, the g-spot can produce a fluid-like semen (but not as viscous) which may be released on orgasm -- even known to "squirt" a couple of centimeters."

"For comparison, the prostate in men is also located behind the pubic bone and around the urethra. The two ejaculatory ducts also end here (bringing sperm from testis via vas deferens). The prostate can be reached via the anus (as in Doctors performing a prostate exam). Continued stimulation of the prostate may produce intense orgasms in men. The prostate is the gland which produces semen (other than the sperm in the semen)."

"The G-Spot is an area of spongy tissue surrounding a woman's urethra. When a woman is sexually aroused, this tissue swells and feels to the touch like a raised area through the ceiling of the vagina. Some women can have orgasms with firm stimulation of this area. And sometimes arousal and orgasm triggered in this way are accompanied by ejaculation of fluid through the urethra. This fluid is not urine, but is produced by glands, located around the urethra. Although every woman has this urethral sponge or G-Spot, not all women respond in the same way to its stimulation. Some women find that G-Spot stimulation feels no different from stimulation of other parts of the vaginal barrel."

"Popular term for a particularly sensitive area within the vagina, about halfway between the pubic bone and the cervix at the rear of the urethra; named after gynecologist Ernst Gräfenberg (1881-1957) who first put forth a theory concerning this area."

"When authors Ladas, Whipple and Perry first published their book The G-Spot, their findings were not all too convincing and the existence of this "new" erogenic zone - especially its alleged ability to ejaculate an orgasmic fluid was not officially recognized by most doctors and medical scientists. Leading scientific papers still do not publish any related research, hereby declaring it "unscientific" (and themselves to be practically ignorant), yet a growing number of women - and men - now know by experience ... and they do not need to be convinced by theory. Reviewing the meanwhile available evidence, the conclusion must be drawn that there exists no actual G-spot in the sense in which it has been promoted, though the "discovery" certainly has led to a better understanding of what actually goes on. The G-spot is - in fact - merely a simple label for a rather complicated and sophisticated part of the yoni, a part that is erotically sensitive and which is also responsible for female ejaculation. The label can of course be used - for simplicity's sake - but by not considering the biological facts it does only lead to new misconceptions. There can be no question - for example - whether or not each woman "possesses" a G-spot: they do! The difference - whether or not she feels it - depends on a wide variety of physical and psychological factors and it is certainly conceivable that not every woman is particularly sensitive in this area - just as there are worlds of differences in the sensitivity of nipples and other "standard" erogenic zones."

"The area we are concerned with is actually called the urethral sponge - an area of spongy tissue (corpus spongiosum) that also contains clusters of nerve-endings, blood vessels, paraurethral glands and ducts - that covers the female urethra (urinary tube) on all sides. During sexual stimulation - by finger-pressure or certain positions and movements of the lingam, the sponge can become engorged with blood, swells and thus becomes distinguishable to touch. A number of researchers - in Israel and the USA - have meanwhile established that tissue of the G-spot area contains an enzyme that is usually found only in the male prostatic glands. This may indicate that we are dealing here with a "female version" of the prostatic glands, a collection of glands which also in men is rather sensitive to touch and pressure. The existence of these hitherto unknown glands in this place may also explain the fluid secretions many women experience during/after G-spot stimulation."

"To those not yet practically acquainted with the G-spot, it presents an interesting paradox and invites for adventurous exploration: in order to find it, one has to stimulate it - and to do just that, one has to find it! An early Chinese concept of the G-spot may have been that of a Palace of Yin. Though the term is often used simply as meaning "womb", it specifically refers to the location in the body where the orgasmic secretion called 'moon flower medicine' lies waiting to be released. As such, the concept may well be the most early "discovery" of a G-spot and represents the ancients insights into female ejaculation and the female prostatic glands."

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