

Examples of definitions that may be close, but are being thrown off by use of the word "spot"

"I think my G-spot is past the urethra by at least an inch... (could be wrong...) about 2 or 2-1/2 inches or so from the entrance to my vagina."

"Traditionally it was thought that all of the sensation available from the female genitals derived from the lips, entrance to the vagina, and especially the clitoris. In other words, what you see above. It was thought that the interior of the vagina was practically numb to sexual sensation."

"Now one of those old coots who spent the seventies sticking their noses into other people's intimate businesses was a guy called Grafenberg, if memory serves. Dr G. had this theory that there was an area within the vagina, which was called the GrafenberG-Spot or G-Spot, which not only was sexually sensitive but which could trigger bigger and better female orgasms than the clit and the exterior bits could by themselves."

"Now the trouble with Dr G.'s claim was that not everyone seemed to be able to find this spot, which he reckoned was analogous with the male prostate gland, and those that did find it didn't necessarily like it much, and so there was some controversy, especially in the popular press. A number of folks who did find it and did like it eventually sussed out the mechanics of the spot, and over the last few years there've been a number of quite good books about it."

"The story is basically this: The G-spot is a flat area about as big as a one or two cent piece, about two inches inside the vagina. It's just behind the pubic bone, on the vaginal wall that is closest to the belly-button. You can reach it with your index finger. If the genitals you're playing with are not very aroused then you might have difficulty finding it, or it might not feel very interesting or nice to the owner."

"I am definitely still looking for it, even after 16 years of searching. Have trouble getting my partner to talk about it or let me go and find it."

"I think it's highly likely that, just as in men, there is a spot in the woman's vagina where nerve endings are found in greater abundance than in other places."

"The G-Spot is very real! I have a slightly above average size penis (9"), and women have told me I was one of the few men that reached the spot! So, I assume if you have a long enough penis you'll ring the bell!"

"Yes, the G-spot is real. It feels like a rough area about 1-3" along the top of the vagina. Digital stimulation of this area during oral sex can produce a powerful climax."


Accurate Definitions of the "G-Spot" Taken from the Internet

"I'll leave out the scientific theories and just give some practical information. The female urethra runs along the front/top side of the vagina, between it and the pubic bone. In many women it is sensitive to firm strokes from inside the vagina which press it up against the pubic bone. The G-spot is supposed to be tissue surrounding the urethra, about 1 1/2 to 2 inches inside."

"G-spot is the nickname for the GrafenberG-Spot, named after the gyn who noted its erotic significance in the 50's. The g-spot in women is analogous to the prostate in men (which seems to play a more direct role in sex and procreation)."

"The g-spot is a gland located behind the pubic bone and around the urethra. It can be massaged or stimulated by reaching up about two finger joints distance on the upper surface of the vagina. The area may be located by "systematic palpation of the entire anterior wall of the vagina between the posterior side of the pubic bone and the cervix. Two fingers are usually employed, and it is often necessary to press deeply into the spot to reach the spot" (Perry and Whipple, Journal of Sex Research, 1981, p 29). If already aroused, some women will find that stimulation of this area leads to an intense orgasm which may be qualitatively different from a clitorially centered orgasm. Stimulation of the spot produces a variety of initial feelings: discomfort, 'feeling need' to urinate, or a pleasurable feeling. With additional stroking the area may begin to swell and the sensations may become more pleasureable. Continuing may produce an intense orgasm. Like the prostate, the g-spot can produce a fluid-like semen (but not as viscous) which may be released on orgasm -- even known to "squirt" a couple of centimeters."

"For comparison, the prostate in men is also located behind the pubic bone and around the urethra. The two ejaculatory ducts also end here (bringing sperm from testis via vas deferens). The prostate can be reached via the anus (as in Doctors performing a prostate exam). Continued stimulation of the prostate may produce intense orgasms in men. The prostate is the gland which produces semen (other than the sperm in the semen)."

"The G-Spot is an area of spongy tissue surrounding a woman's urethra. When a woman is sexually aroused, this tissue swells and feels to the touch like a raised area through the ceiling of the vagina. Some women can have orgasms with firm stimulation of this area. And sometimes arousal and orgasm triggered in this way are accompanied by ejaculation of fluid through the urethra. This fluid is not urine, but is produced by glands, located around the urethra. Although every woman has this urethral sponge or G-Spot, not all women respond in the same way to its stimulation. Some women find that G-Spot stimulation feels no different from stimulation of other parts of the vaginal barrel."

"Popular term for a particularly sensitive area within the vagina, about halfway between the pubic bone and the cervix at the rear of the urethra; named after gynecologist Ernst Gräfenberg (1881-1957) who first put forth a theory concerning this area."

"When authors Ladas, Whipple and Perry first published their book The G-Spot, their findings were not all too convincing and the existence of this "new" erogenic zone - especially its alleged ability to ejaculate an orgasmic fluid was not officially recognized by most doctors and medical scientists. Leading scientific papers still do not publish any related research, hereby declaring it "unscientific" (and themselves to be practically ignorant), yet a growing number of women - and men - now know by experience ... and they do not need to be convinced by theory. Reviewing the meanwhile available evidence, the conclusion must be drawn that there exists no actual G-spot in the sense in which it has been promoted, though the "discovery" certainly has led to a better understanding of what actually goes on. The G-spot is - in fact - merely a simple label for a rather complicated and sophisticated part of the yoni, a part that is erotically sensitive and which is also responsible for female ejaculation. The label can of course be used - for simplicity's sake - but by not considering the biological facts it does only lead to new misconceptions. There can be no question - for example - whether or not each woman "possesses" a G-spot: they do! The difference - whether or not she feels it - depends on a wide variety of physical and psychological factors and it is certainly conceivable that not every woman is particularly sensitive in this area - just as there are worlds of differences in the sensitivity of nipples and other "standard" erogenic zones."

"The area we are concerned with is actually called the urethral sponge - an area of spongy tissue (corpus spongiosum) that also contains clusters of nerve-endings, blood vessels, paraurethral glands and ducts - that covers the female urethra (urinary tube) on all sides. During sexual stimulation - by finger-pressure or certain positions and movements of the lingam, the sponge can become engorged with blood, swells and thus becomes distinguishable to touch. A number of researchers - in Israel and the USA - have meanwhile established that tissue of the G-spot area contains an enzyme that is usually found only in the male prostatic glands. This may indicate that we are dealing here with a "female version" of the prostatic glands, a collection of glands which also in men is rather sensitive to touch and pressure. The existence of these hitherto unknown glands in this place may also explain the fluid secretions many women experience during/after G-spot stimulation."

"To those not yet practically acquainted with the G-spot, it presents an interesting paradox and invites for adventurous exploration: in order to find it, one has to stimulate it - and to do just that, one has to find it! An early Chinese concept of the G-spot may have been that of a Palace of Yin. Though the term is often used simply as meaning "womb", it specifically refers to the location in the body where the orgasmic secretion called 'moon flower medicine' lies waiting to be released. As such, the concept may well be the most early "discovery" of a G-spot and represents the ancients insights into female ejaculation and the female prostatic glands."


Gary Schubach Ed.D.,A.C.S: The G "Spot" Controversy

The term "G-Spot" was first introduced to the public at large in the book, The G-Spot and Other Recent Discoveries About Human Sexuality. It referred to a 1950 article in the International Journal of Sexology in which Dr. Ernest Gräfenberg wrote about erotic sensitivity along the anterior vaginal wall.

While many people have read or heard about Gräfenberg, few have read his actual words. In reality, Gräfenberg only uses the word "spot" twice and he uses it to make the opposite point to the way it has been popularly used. He states that "there is no spot in the female body, from which sexual desire could not be aroused. . . . Innumerable erotogenic spots are distributed all over the body, from where sexual satisfaction can be elicited; these are so many that we can almost say that there is no part of the female body which does not give sexual response, the partner has only to find the erotogenic zones."

What has been popularly but erroneously called the G "spot" is the area on the upper wall of the vagina, through which the urethral or "Skene's" glands can be felt. It is the media, which picked up the term "G-Spot" because of the book, that has promulgated the notion of a "spot" on the anterior wall of the vagina itself. The search for a "spot" on the anterior wall of the vagina, as opposed to searching for the urethral glands through the anterior wall may be contributing to the difficulty of finding a single G "spot" and the controversy as to whether it exists at all.

The purpose of reprinting the following definitions of the "G-Spot" that were found on the Internet is both to show accurate definitions and to highlight how the use of the word "spot" has contributed to misconceptions and a lack of understanding of the function of the urethra and its glands and ducts as an erogenous zone.



Male and Female Sex Organs Have Common Origin

G spot. An anatomy lesson may help understand why ejaculation is not as far fetched as it may seem. There really is not that much difference between male and female sex organs. In-vitro we all start out as female. If we get certain chemicals our development changes to male and our female organs dry up and we develop male.

Have you ever wondered what that line was on the back side of a penis? Or, have you ever looked? It is the remnants of a man's vagina when he was a female early in gestation. Likewise the very sensitive spot on the back of a mans penis, where the foreskin attaches is the remnants of the female clitoris.

Sexual development in the womb it is not always perfect. The most extreme problem is those whose gender does not match their sex organs (transsexuals). Since male and female are so similar, surgery can reassign one's sex to match gender. Yes, it is done all the time, both male to female and less frequently female to male.

The same but much less dramatic natural event seems to occur in some women in which they develop small prostate like glands that are capable or producing ejaculation. Lab tests show the female ejac is very similar in composition to the prostate fluid within the male ejac (semen which comes from prostate mixed with sperm etc), but without the sperm in a female.


Female Ejaculation

G spot. While all women have a G-spot, it has been estimated between 10% and 40% of women are capable of ejaculation. The G-spot need not be stimulated for ejaculation to occur, but most women say that their first ejaculation experience came from massaging their G-spot. The response varies from a light sprinkle to a huge gush. I have experienced women who gushed huge amounts of fluid 10 feet out.

Researches have found that although many women feel a slight need to urinate right before ejaculation, the fluid is definitely not urine. Nor does it come from the Bartholin gland which produces a milky, odorless secretion that helps lubricate the vagina when sexually aroused.

Today we now know that the difference between women who squirt and those that don't is in the number and size of their pariurethral glands. They are analogous to the hundreds of tiny glands that constitute the male's prostate gland and are responsible for 15% to 50% of the fluid a man ejaculates.

The myths that female ejaculation is the result of poor bladder control, or excess secretion which sweats from the vaginal walls and pools in the back of the vagina to squirt out during the strong muscle contractions of orgasm, have been proven wrong. For decades many women felt it dreadfully abnormal and tried to hide or avoid it. Physicians in their ignorance tried to cure it. By questioning many women, researchers have established that about one woman in five ejaculates (through her urethra rather than her vagina), some of the time but not always. The stimulation of the G-spot produces both her ejaculation and her deep uterine contractions.

Besides the famous study of Whipple and Perry of Dr. Ernest Grafenberg's 1950 article about the spot, in Nova Scotia researcher Ed Belzer explored the chemical composition of female ejaculate. In Florida Helen Robinson and Sharon Pietranton worked with groups of ejaculating women. At first American gynecologists, routinely trained not to sexually stimulate their patients, were astonished that Dr. Grafenberg was on such sensual terms with his. Generations of gynecologists have tied to cope with "hypersecretors" blaming it on poor bladder control.

"Women's response to direct stimulation of the G-spot is identical to the response of males when their prostate is stimulated," Perry and Whipple observed. The first few seconds of stimulation produces a strong feeling that they have to urinate. This feeling lasts for two to ten seconds, maybe longer, before changing to a distinctly sexual enjoyment. Whipple felt that most women when faced with this sensation hold back their sexual response to keep from wetting on their partners. Perry theorized that this may explain why up to 25% of American females never have orgasms - they've learned early that to avoid the embarrassment of urinating during sex, they have to hold back.

Women with well-toned PC muscles are more likely to ejaculate and generally have better orgasms. Many women ejaculate easier after they’ve “primed the pump” with a few orgasms, others come on their first one. The common theme seems to be extreme arousal and direct G-spot and clitoral stimulation for an extended time.

It is common for writers of porn films and erotic books to make it appear that male ejaculations "shoot" or "spurt". But Kinsey's observations of hundreds of male ejaculators showed that in about 75% of men the semen merely exudes from the meatus or is propelled with so little force that the liquid is not carried more than a very small distance beyond the tip of the penis. In short, most males ooze rather than shoot. Their semen doesn't spurt, it dribbles out.

Similarly, if a woman expels fluid other than urine from her urethra, she shouldn't have to make it squirt for it to qualify as ejaculation. The fact that many women don't notice it since its not a powerful squirt contributes to the underreporting of female ejaculation. Other women, including one of my (Dave's) partners, very strongly squirt large amounts of fluid while having powerful G-spot orgasms.

Helen Robinson reported that one of her research subjects was highly orgasmic and continued to ejaculate copiously with each orgasm and would ejaculate a quart of fluid in one session. A teaspoon of fluid is the more common amount, but a cupful is not uncommon.

At Dalhousie University professor Ed Belzer found varying concentrations of acid phosphatase in the women's ejaculate. This chemical had previously been thought to be produced only by males, and in some courtrooms was accepted as evidence to support a rape charge. Belzer's discovery proved that it wasn't urine and also pointed out the existence of a genuine female prostate-like gland.

Not only are the fluids they produce chemically similar, the female prostate acts like the male prostate: when rhythmically prodded, it swells up and then discharges fluid through the urethra. To reach a male's prostate gland, you have to reach in through his anus. In the female, you reach in - at virtually the same angle - through her vagina.

There has been debate whether the ejaculation originate from the bladder or from the urethral glands and ducts. Both may be the case in that a small amount of fluid may be released from the urethral glands and ducts in some instances and mixed in the urethra with a clear fluid that originates in the bladder.

Tests have been done where the bladder is drained of urine before the sexual stimualation and resulting ejaculation. Even though their bladders had been drained, they still expelled from 50 ml to 900 ml of fluid through the tube and into the catheter bag. The only reasonable conclusion would be that the fluid came from a combination of residual moisture in the walls of the bladder and from post draining kidney output.

Regardless, a number of tests have chemical analysis have been done on the fluid. Exactly what it is, isn't known but there is a consistency of results that show a greatly reduced concentration of the two primary components of urine, urea and creatinine, in the expelled fluid.

As Unv of So Calf tests showed the results were clearly "out of the range" to be defined as urine.

But women's sexuality still remains a mystery (as women do in other ways ... as the exact source and exactly what the fluid is remains natures secret.



Techniques For Stimulating G-Spot

G Spot. Lie back with your knees pressed up to your chest. In this position, your vaginal depth will shorten and even small fingers should be able to reach the G-spot. With a partner, lie on your side with one leg drawn up to your chest as your partner enters you from the rear. He should be able to hit the spot.

The G-spot responds to pressure rather than to touch. Gently stroking is not likely to get any results. It's more like massaging a pea under a mattress - one has to compress the flesh to find it.

Insert fingers and bend them gently up, around and behind the pubic bone. Beyond the rather rough-surfaced tissue immediately behind her pubic bone, your fingertips will encounter a very soft, smooth area. Go very slowly and let her tell you what she feels as you explore the smooth area, which will feel to you like the inside of a very slippery mitten. When you straighten your fingers and reach further inside, you'll encounter a hard, rubbery structure that feels like an erect nipple pointing south. This is her cervix. The G-spot is somewhere just his side of the cervix, about an inch beyond the mitten, in the flesh immediately in front of the vagina.

Imagine you're holding a tennis ball on those two of three inserted fingers. An area about the size of a grape in the center of the tennis ball is what you're trying to reach. It can be anywhere along that two-or-three inch long area between the pubic bone and the cervix. Explore slowly, allowing for feedback front he woman - let her guide your fingers with her words if she can feel the stimulation. The G-spot responds to pressure rather than to touch. Gentle stroking is not likely to find it. It's more like massaging a pea under a mattress - one has to compress the flesh to find it.

When you reach in from the front with the woman on her back, the heel of your hand is over her clitoris while your fingers hook around her pubic bone. Pull upwards, as if you're trying to lift her off the bed. Do this with the same sort of rhythm you'd use fucking, and keep your fingers hooked, so they press deep into the tissue. Once you know where it is you can try using your penis on it, but for good G-spot orgasm, she may prefer your hand. In face-to-face intercourse, the penis may not stimulate the spot enough to do any good, although some positions, such as the one where the women draws her knees close to her chest, may increase the changes for a G-spot orgasm.


Location Of G-spot

The G-spot lies directly behind the pubic bone within the front wall of the vagina. It is usually located about half way between the back of the pubic bone and the front of the cervix, along the course of the urethra and near the neck of the bladder, where it connects with the urethra. The size and exact location vary. Imagine a small clock inside the vagina with 12 o'clock pointed towards the navel. The majority of women will have the G-spot located between 11 and 1 o'clock a few inches inside the vagina.

Unlike the clitoris, which protrudes from the surrounding tissue, it lies deep within the vaginal wall, and a firm pressure is often needed to contact the G spot in its unstimulated state. Usually it is a lima- bean sized, spongy area which responds to stimulation by hardening and swelling as blood rushes to it.


G-Spot History

G-Spot. Ancient cultures accepted what we've only recently "found". As early as the 4th century B.C., writings have been found that speak of the distinction between a woman's "red and white fluid". Even American Indian folklore mentions the "mixing of male and female fluids" from a female during sex.

In the 20th century, however, Western culture moved toward the belief that women were incapable of such intense orgasm, except by clitoral manipulation. This was reinforced by Masters & Johnson whose research claimed that a woman's clitoris was the only source of female pleasure, even though many women have found that to be far from the truth.

This misguided notion of a woman's sexual potential persisted until 1950 when an article by a Berlin gynecologist Ernst Grafenberg discussed the G-spot area. In his original work he reported that some women had a spot on the inside of the front wall of the vagina which, when firmly stimulated produced intense orgasms and in some women ejaculation of something thicker and slicker than urine during the strongest contractions of their orgasms.

No further serious research was done until Perry and Whipple's 1978 documentation and extensive study which confirmed the article of Dr. Grafenberg. Most sexologist now believe every woman has a G-spot but it may simply be unresponsive from lack of stimulation. It can be made to learn to be responsive, however, by proper stimulation.

Beverly Whipple, coauthor of The G-Spot , says there are two reasons the "spot" was overlooked by so many physicians: "First, because it's on the anterior (front) wall of the vagina, which is an area that's not palpated, and second, when it is palpated you get a sexual response and doctors are trained not to stimulate their patients sexually. But the gynecologists who palpated it with our direction all found it and said 'My goodness! It's there! You're right!' "

Every physician who examined the area not only found it, Whipple claims, but reported back to the researchers that they subsequently found it in every woman they examined!



Where’s the Infamous “G-Spot”?

The Sensitive Area. The term "G-Spot" was first introduced to the public at large in the book, "The G Spot and Other Recent Discoveries About Human Sexuality" in the 1980s. It referred to an article from 1950 in the International Journal of Sexology in which gynecologist, Dr. Ernest Grafenberg wrote about erotic sensitivity along the anterior vaginal wall.

While many people have read or heard about Grafenberg, few have read his actual words. In reality, Grafenberg only uses the word "spot" twice and he uses it to make the opposite point to the way it has been popularly used. He states that "there is no spot in the female body, from which sexual desire could not be aroused. Innumerable erotogenic spots are distributed all over the body, from where sexual satisfaction can be elicited; these are so many that we can almost say that there is no part of the female body which does not give sexual response, the partner has only to find the erotogenic zones."

The Grafenberg spot (G-Spot) is said to be a sensitive area just behind the front wall of the vagina, between the back of the pubic bone and the cervix. Beverly Whipple, a certified sex educator and counselor, and John D. Perry, an ordained minister, psychologist, and sexologist, named the G-Spot after gynecologist Ernest Grafenberg (1881-1957).

Dr. Grafenberg was the first modern physician to describe the area and argue for its importance in female sexual pleasure. His claim is that when this spot is stimulated during sex through vaginal penetration of some kind (fingers during masturbation, penis or other object partly thrusting into the vagina), some women have an orgasm. This orgasm may include a gush of fluid from the urethra -- sometimes called the “female ejaculation” -- however, many experts do not agree on this. It is not considered urine. Is this real? Many gynecologists and physiologist still argue.

There has been a large amount of controversy among sex researchers regarding this theory. For women who have felt this gush of urethral fluid, or for those who have found a new pleasure spot, having a name for it confirms their experience.

But remember, not all women are sensitive in this area, so be careful not to set up unrealistic expectations for yourself. Try it out; if it works, great, if it doesn't seem sensitive, try to find the spot(s) that are right for you!