"I think my G-spot is past the urethra by at least an inch... (could be wrong...) about 2 or 2-1/2 inches or so from the entrance to my vagina."
"Traditionally it was thought that all of the sensation available from the female genitals derived from the lips, entrance to the vagina, and especially the clitoris. In other words, what you see above. It was thought that the interior of the vagina was practically numb to sexual sensation."
"Now one of those old coots who spent the seventies sticking their noses into other people's intimate businesses was a guy called Grafenberg, if memory serves. Dr G. had this theory that there was an area within the vagina, which was called the GrafenberG-Spot or G-Spot, which not only was sexually sensitive but which could trigger bigger and better female orgasms than the clit and the exterior bits could by themselves."
"Now the trouble with Dr G.'s claim was that not everyone seemed to be able to find this spot, which he reckoned was analogous with the male prostate gland, and those that did find it didn't necessarily like it much, and so there was some controversy, especially in the popular press. A number of folks who did find it and did like it eventually sussed out the mechanics of the spot, and over the last few years there've been a number of quite good books about it."
"The story is basically this: The G-spot is a flat area about as big as a one or two cent piece, about two inches inside the vagina. It's just behind the pubic bone, on the vaginal wall that is closest to the belly-button. You can reach it with your index finger. If the genitals you're playing with are not very aroused then you might have difficulty finding it, or it might not feel very interesting or nice to the owner."
"I am definitely still looking for it, even after 16 years of searching. Have trouble getting my partner to talk about it or let me go and find it."
"I think it's highly likely that, just as in men, there is a spot in the woman's vagina where nerve endings are found in greater abundance than in other places."
"The G-Spot is very real! I have a slightly above average size penis (9"), and women have told me I was one of the few men that reached the spot! So, I assume if you have a long enough penis you'll ring the bell!"
"Yes, the G-spot is real. It feels like a rough area about 1-3" along the top of the vagina. Digital stimulation of this area during oral sex can produce a powerful climax."
"Traditionally it was thought that all of the sensation available from the female genitals derived from the lips, entrance to the vagina, and especially the clitoris. In other words, what you see above. It was thought that the interior of the vagina was practically numb to sexual sensation."
"Now one of those old coots who spent the seventies sticking their noses into other people's intimate businesses was a guy called Grafenberg, if memory serves. Dr G. had this theory that there was an area within the vagina, which was called the GrafenberG-Spot or G-Spot, which not only was sexually sensitive but which could trigger bigger and better female orgasms than the clit and the exterior bits could by themselves."
"Now the trouble with Dr G.'s claim was that not everyone seemed to be able to find this spot, which he reckoned was analogous with the male prostate gland, and those that did find it didn't necessarily like it much, and so there was some controversy, especially in the popular press. A number of folks who did find it and did like it eventually sussed out the mechanics of the spot, and over the last few years there've been a number of quite good books about it."
"The story is basically this: The G-spot is a flat area about as big as a one or two cent piece, about two inches inside the vagina. It's just behind the pubic bone, on the vaginal wall that is closest to the belly-button. You can reach it with your index finger. If the genitals you're playing with are not very aroused then you might have difficulty finding it, or it might not feel very interesting or nice to the owner."
"I am definitely still looking for it, even after 16 years of searching. Have trouble getting my partner to talk about it or let me go and find it."
"I think it's highly likely that, just as in men, there is a spot in the woman's vagina where nerve endings are found in greater abundance than in other places."
"The G-Spot is very real! I have a slightly above average size penis (9"), and women have told me I was one of the few men that reached the spot! So, I assume if you have a long enough penis you'll ring the bell!"
"Yes, the G-spot is real. It feels like a rough area about 1-3" along the top of the vagina. Digital stimulation of this area during oral sex can produce a powerful climax."